Date:Saturday, February 17th, 2024 at 7 p.m.
Venue:San Jose Center for the Performing Arts
255 Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CA 95113
$30, $50, $80
Order online from:
Order by phone:408-905-9846
Senior 40% off.
Order at Chinese Performing Art of America:
6148 Bollinger Road, San Jose, CA95129
Highlights on the 15th CPAA Spring Festival Silicon Valley
Chinese Performing Arts of America (CPAA) Chinese Performing Arts of America (CPAA) proudly presents the 15th annual CPAA Silicon Valley Spring Festival Gala, scheduled to grace the stage on Saturday, February 17, 2024, at the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts. This spectacular event will showcase an array of multicultural performances, all inspired by the idea of using art to break down barriers and promote cross-cultural understanding. In addition to CPAA’s vibrant debut 2024 performances, attendees can look forward to captivating performances by renowned groups including San Jose Taiko, Abhinaya Dance Company of San Jose, and Los Lupeños de San Jose.
With the theme of “Let Love Connect the World”, this grand production has been thoughtfully curated and organized by CPAA to convey the universal theme of love. The gala for this year will be presented in three captivating chapters - 'Love for Nature,' 'Love for Culture,' and 'Love for Humanity.' These chapters will celebrate our love for the environment and the world we inhabit, our affection for cherished traditions, and our deep appreciation for our loved ones, including family and friends.
This Spring Festival Gala promises to be a sensory delight, captivating the eyes, ears, and intellect with an enchanting blend of dance, music, and culture. Audiences are in for a mesmerizing experience packed with a wide array of performances, spanning from classical Chinese dances to vocal and instrumental showcases. The gala will feature classical Chinese dances, contemporary dance routines, breathtaking Japanese Taiko performances, vibrant Mexican dance, captivating traditional Indian dances, martial arts display, soul-stirring solo vocal acts, ensemble performances highlighting traditional Chinese instruments like the xiao (flute), guqin (piano), and pipa, and much more! Many of these artworks are original creations by local artists.
Chinese Performing Arts of America (CPAA) extends a warm invitation to everyone to join us in celebrating the Lunar New Year & Spring Festival with the vibrant energy of California at the 'Let Love Connect the World' Gala.
Tickets can be purchased at https://cpaasv.org/sf2024 for $30, $50, or $80. For inquiries, please contact us at cpaamailbox@gmail.com or 408-905-9846.
「飛揚矽谷春晚」是飛揚藝術团的年度品牌盛會。 自1991年中心成立以來,飛揚秉承「用藝術打破邊界」的概念,堅持以表演藝術、藝術培訓和慈善活動促進多族裔之間的文化傳播與交流,共建和諧共生的多元文化社群, 至今已經連續舉辦了15屆春晚, 庆祝農曆新春佳節。 告別三年疫情的掙扎與守候,民眾期待回歸到溫馨共榮的社會環境中繼續美好和諧的溫暖人生。 今年飛揚將再次順應民眾的心理需求,以「四海同行」為主題,於2024年2月17日(星期六),在San Jose隆重舉辦新一屆矽谷春晚—「2024四海同行LET LOVE CONNECT THE WORLD暨首屆矽谷多元文化藝術節”,為灣區觀眾呈現一場跨文化的、專業巨制歌舞音樂盛宴。
在人類文明的長河中,「愛」是人類的原動力,其意義豐富多重,如古希臘羅馬的愛神、印度教的愛神、基督教和東方佛教中的愛,以及華人世界中儒家倫理中的愛 ,構成了人類對「愛」這個字的深刻詮釋。 飛揚藝術团的春晚將透過跨文化的表演,探索並呈現「愛」的多維面貌。飛揚藝術团精心創作、挖掘和編排的這台大型歌舞文藝晚會,傳遞了人們對本民族自然風光和風土人情的愛、對悠久璀璨的文化傳統的愛和對戀人家人友人 的愛。 這場春晚將是一場音樂、舞蹈和文化的盛宴,期待各族裔的灣區觀眾共同聆聽「讓愛連結世界」的美妙旋律,共度一個別開生面具有加州特色的農曆新春佳節。
晚會由三個篇章構成,其中節目亮點不勝枚舉,這裡擷取一部分以饗讀者:第一篇章“自然之愛”,中國古典舞《細雨江南》、《白雲紅樹》和印度舞《孔雀 》,以精湛的舞蹈語彙展現大自然扣人心弦的美。 第二篇章「文化之愛」中,女聲獨唱《一眼千年》、舞蹈《絲路長歌》、簫與古箏合奏《半山聽雨》、墨西哥舞、《人間四月天》等,帶你深入文化 的浩瀚海洋。 第三篇章“愛滿人間”,一支哀怨的舞蹈《夢裡尺素》,以少婦夢回,尺素家書的獨特視角控訴戰爭的殘酷,呼喚和平的回歸。 而日本大鼓、雙人舞《風華正茂》、群舞《大河映像》、彈奏舞蹈《如願》等,都展現了雋永動人的人間之愛。飛揚藝術团希望透過這場晚會喚起觀眾內心深處相通的愛,讓愛連結每個人,連結相識和不相識的人,從而連結整個世界。
網上購票 www.cpaasv.org/sf2024 or
電話: 408-905-9846 or
飛揚藝術中心 6148 Bollinger Road San Jose CA 95129